Project Details

Client : Trustees of the Beaconsfield United Reformed Church.

Services : Undertaking Quinquennial Inspections, and consequential architectural services.


Project Description

Our Office has been involved with Beaconsfield United Reformed Church for ten years.  Having undertaken a number of architectural projects locally for other Churches, our Office was invited to provide Quinquennial Inspection services to look after the fabric of the Grade II Listed Church.

We have todate carried out two five-year Inspections, thereafter helping the Church to undertake the consequential repair and refurbishment works to keep the Church fit for purpose, accessible and comfortable.

Works todate have included a new entrance and approach, new fully glazed entrance doors, and remodelling to Welcome Area, including a new oak glazed screen, with glazed doors, increasing visibility through to the Worship Area.

Our Office secured the relevant Plannng Permissions, Approval under the Building Regulations, and Ecclesiastical Permissions.

Google Photosphere

Please click through this link to see a Google Photosphere of the inside of the Church –,-0.6375919,3a,75y,319.06h,76.97t/data=!3m5!1e1!3m3!1smM-ceWW0Vs0AAAQJOHqrjA!2e0!3e11!4m2!3m1!1s0x48766698cd1945e7:0x8b4881d9802c7b15

Client Testimonial

We read the Quinquennial Report, and may I say how grateful we are for such clear, helpful, and excellent Reports. Alan Forbes, Property Steward, Beaconsfield United Reformed Church (2014)